SIMS Import Fileset

  1. Click on the Fileset to download. It will be a zipped file.
  2. Save the Zipped file on your workstation in a folder that you can easily find.
  3. Unzip the file by right clicking and choosing extract all.
  4. In Sims choose Tools – Setups – Import Fileset to display the Import Fileset page.
  5. Click the Browse button to display the Open
  6. Navigate to the location of the downloaded Fileset.
  7. Highlight the file then click the open button. Alternatively, double-click the required MFS file to return to the import Fileset page.
  8. Details of the selected Fileset are displayed including the version number of the Fileset, the release date and the Fileset description.
  9. We recommend you to restart Sims – this ensures that the newly imported data will take effect.
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